Cat Slab, Clear Creek Canyon
Here are a few pictures of Koren, Guillaume and me climbing in Clear Creek Canyon. We had a good time and KOREN LED HER FIRST CLIMB! 5.7!!
All the routes on Cat Slab have names from the musical Cats. We climbed everything from Skimbal Shanks to Macavaty.
This is Koren on her first outdoor lead ever! The climb is called Grizabella and rated 5.7. I didn't even know she was going to do this, I just looked over and noticed her leading next to me so I stopped and took this picture. |
This is me leading an excellent 5.9 route called Gus. This route offered a nice change from slab climbing with a series of roofs. The toprope hanging to my left is on a 5.11 that Guillaume led. We later took turns toproping it and swinging out into space while being lowered. |
I didn't get any good climbing pictures of Guillaume this day but I did catch him exposing himself at the base of the cliff. :) |